Education Programs

Education has been one of Un Mundo's most important tools, with many projects and programs since the beginning of our involvement in Honduras, and more planned.

Annual Cultural Arts Festival

Each year through music, poetry, dance, theater, photography, film and other visual arts, youth of the Cangrejal River Valley have the opportunity to discover how diverse art forms are used around the world to distinguish cultural characteristics as well as to document history. Participants also analyze how visual and performance art has been used to document the history and culture of the people here in Honduras. Through these discoveries, festival participants use one of the above mentioned art forms to document their own stories of the Cangrejal River Valley.  

Instituto Elvira Pineda Madrid Del Pital  

A four-year campaign to construct one of the first public high schools in the Cangrejal Valley
offering vocational training in carpentry, electricity, metallurgy, and computer

El Pital Community & Mobile Library

Biblioteca y Bibliobandito is the creation of a “living library”
(‘biblioteca’ in Spanish) in the community of El Pital which cultivates
literacy through a diverse collection of books, active programming,
book-making, creative writing workshops, and a mobile library called
bibliobandito.  Bibliobandito is a mobile lending library and book-making
station that ambulates around the region on the back of a donkey, by bicycle,
or via foot, extending the scope and reach of the library in El Pital
throughout the entire Cangrejal Valley.

Cangrejal Special Education Project 

Cangrejal Special Education Project is a community-lead initiative to
increase access to education and healthcare to individuals with various mental
and physical disabilities living in the Cangrejal Valley. The project currently
includes a scholarship for disabled children allowing them to attend a school
in the nearby city of La Ceiba that serves their specific needs.

Nuevos Horizontes

Un Mundo
250 Vincent Drive
Mountain View, CA 94041, USA