Health and Environment

Early treatment prevents more serious problems later

of the most obvious symptoms of underdevelopment is inadequate or unavailable
health care. This problem disproportionately affects those living in rural
Honduras, where many people have no access to clean water or even the most
basic medicines. Lack of health care also fuels the continuation of poverty as
minor health issues go untreated and result in major, long-term illness or

Ecological Toilets

Eco-Toilets is a collective project to introduce
more ecologically sustainable methods to waste water management, reduce
contamination of the region’s watershed and decrease the incidence of parasitic
illness in local communities.

Midwife Project - Viva La Partera!

Viva La
Partera (Long-Live the Midwife) Project is a support network intended to
increase access to improved healthcare services for women and children by
strengthening natural healing practices in the region.

Un Mundo
250 Vincent Drive
Mountain View, CA 94041, USA